Hi friends and family.
Well, today is the 14th which means it has been exactly one month since we were waved off at the airport by our wonderful families and two special friends, Anni and Maddi. We are thankful for Skype and the internet in general which means we can communicate easily from the other side of the world. So far we've been to New York, New Jersey and Portland, Oregon (and surrounds). Check our our tabs for some New York and Oregon highlights!

I'm writing this from a small motel room in Lincoln City which is on the Oregon Coast. A couple of things went wrong today, but we're taking them in our stride. To elaborate, here are the problems we've encountered today and what we're doing about them:

  • We had a ride organised for today in a camper down the 101 which fell through at the last minute. We took a bus to the 101 instead and will be trying to get another ride tomorrow.

  • Our 2 week house sit in New York has been reduced to one, or possibly cancelled as the couple were going to the Philippines which has been hit by the typhoon. They're scrambling to book a holiday somewhere else for a week. So we're considering making our way across the US by land given that we have more time now to get back to NY.

  •  Rain! We bought a lightweight tent this morning in case of being stranded somewhere, but are hoping not to have to use it in rainy, cold conditions as we don't have sleeping mats or bags! As it's drizzling and cold today, we've checked into the cheapest room we could find!

We're pretty excited to be on the 101 and heading South... as they say "Driving down the 101, California here we come..." 
That's going to be stuck in your head all day now, sorry! 

Anyway, hope you're having a lovely day. Have you come across any setbacks and had to take them in your stride? Do you have any questions about getting around the Oregon Coast? Leave us a comment below! 
Us right now in our little room!
11/14/2013 09:48:29 am

I'm reading! And liking! And not happy to hear about the housesit sitch - although typhoon is a fairly understandable (and incredibly tragic) unforeseen scenario :( Keep positive! A cross-country road trip would be amazing!!!
Ps. you guys are adorable

11/14/2013 11:11:05 am

Yeah, I totally understand why their plans are in flux! And yeah, I think a roadtrip would be really fun too :) When one door closes and all that... xoxo

11/14/2013 11:11:36 am

Oh, and thanks for the first comment ! :)

11/14/2013 10:04:54 am

Hello from across the globe! We are waiting for an predicted onslaught of summer rain right now, so I'm going to live vicariously through your adventures and daydream about hiking through glorious gorges and beautiful mountains! I hope the house-sit pulls through, but the idea of meandering across the country sounds wonderful in itself... Thank you for all the photos too, its so exciting Seeing where you are and what you are doing! xoxoxoxoxox

11/14/2013 11:12:42 am

Summer rain sounds beautiful, will you dance in it for me? And yeah, I agree about the meandering thing - I'm pretty excited at having such an open plan! :) xxx

11/24/2013 08:46:48 pm

Hey Phoebe and Tom,

Loved reading about your adventures so far. Hope it continues to go so well, and even if it doesn't, it allows for a better story!

p.s. Do you guys have a twitter account?

11/25/2013 03:18:57 am

Hi Leah!
Thanks for reading. I love your blog! That's true: when things go wrong, things can get more interesting and you learn about yourself.
I don't have a twitter account at the moment - do you think it's worth doing?


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