A few days ago, we were in Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast. We had just taken a couple of buses there from Portland, and had a plan: we would hitchhike down the 101. 

But we were a little nervous. It was our first time, and we had no idea what would happen: would people laugh at us and we'd be stuck there for hours? What would we say if someone offered us a lift but we didn't want to go because they smelled bad? 

But we were determined to at least give it a go. So we bought two large sharpies from Safeway, found a big piece of cardboard, and carefully made our first sign. 

What would make us appealing to passing cars, we wondered. We decided to go for the Aussie angle (they love Australians here!) and wrote 'G'day', followed by our intended destination further down the coast (Newport) and then added 'We're nice' for good measure. We reasoned that a scary murderer hitchhiker probably wouldn't write that on their sign, which might reassure friendly drivers. 
So, what happened next? Stay tuned for Pt 2!
Margaret van Blommestein
11/19/2013 07:57:09 pm

Looking forward to the next chapter.

11/21/2013 05:32:30 am

I'll get it up soon! :)


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